When you think about measuring learning and understanding,
do you think about testing? Well, we do
live in the 21st Century and assessments have evolved as well as
technology and the incorporation of it helps measure students learning. Therefore, to answer the question is yes. However things have changed and now we, as
teachers, try to use a variety of assessments to have a better understanding of
our students learning process. There
are a variety of assessments that measures the students learning and their deep
understanding. Technology has opened a
window for using it to our advantages.
Students can now demonstrate their learning and understanding by
creating presentations, videos, projects, and publishing their final copy on a
word processor. Better yet, they can now
connect with other classes across the nation and share ideas of their learning.
Classroom blogs and real world projects are other examples that teachers can
use to assess the learning of standards, concepts, and performing
objectives. In
conclusion, we live in a society that we do not only need tests to assess
students learning and progress but they can demonstrate their understanding and
skills in a critical thinking, innovation, and synthesizing ways if the
teachers do use a variety of assessments (from formative assessments to
summative assessments; from informal to formal assessments).